4 Factors That Make the Toyota MR2 Spyder a Collector’s Pride
Vintage cars have a distinct fanbase as they trigger nostalgia by literally transporting people to memories they cherish. Many people have the hobby of collecting such vehicles for this reason. Vintage cars are admired primarily due to their history and engineering. One such car model, the Toyota MR2 Spyder, boasts four decades of history. Check out some of the car’s salient features below if you plan to add this automobile to your collection.
The Toyota MR2 concept was unveiled nearly 40 years ago. The car’s design was so intricate that it went into production within a year, and only a few changes were made to the original design.

Lighter, faster & agile
The MR2 Spyder is a mid-engine two-seater car with rear-wheel drive. The car’s performance never fails to offer fun without trading off the fuel economy. It was all about blending typical sports car features with advanced technology. The car was hugely agile, thanks to the mid-engine and the wheelbase-to-length ratio that is nothing short of perfection.
The Toyota MR2 Spyder has had a cult following in the past. It was a classic car, loved and cherished by most owners of the brand-new models. One reason behind its popularity was that it was an extremely affordable sports car compared to its competitors and yet delivered top-of-the-line performance. Hence, it made its way into the hearts of car owners of those times. The Spyder was an exciting addition to a line-up from Toyota, a brand known for making premium-quality automobiles at affordable prices. The Spyder model was lovingly called Mister 2 and considered no less exotic. Thanks to the in-demand reviews of previous owners, this model is looked upon with pride. Adding this to the collection is still a dream-come-true affair for a car collector.
Collector’s item
Consider the Spyder to be more of a vintage car in your garage than a modern safety machine that’s all well-equipped to face the challenges on the road of the present times. That’s because the vehicle is about 40 years old, and back then, they did not have to worry about crowded roads, traffic jams, over-speeding, etc. The safety features of the Toyota MR2 Spyder are not as advanced as cars being made today. Due to modern safety mandates, vehicles of this size are no longer made in this category. This is an excellent reason to bring home the Spyder home. You can cherish the memory of owning one of the last models in this coveted league. It’s important to note that the Spyder is not devoid of safety measures and aids. Some of the safety controls in the car include front airbags for the two-seater car, electronic stability control, and anti-skid brakes.
Driving experience
If not for any other reason, the Spyder is worthy because of the simple fact that it gives an adrenaline rush the very moment one hits the pedal. One can feel your testosterone getting kicked as one gets to the road. If taken care of properly and driven cautiously, this is still a wonder of a car.
The average price of an MR2 is around $16,545. If you are getting a good deal on an MR2 Spyder, it’s best not to let the opportunity go by, as this deserves to be a part of your automobile collection.