The leading LEDs of 2017
Buying an LED can be quite confusing. There are so many options that you might not able to get a clear answer to what you should buy. But there are some very obvious choices. There are nearly a dozen brands which have world class LEDs. They have built a name for themselves over the years. They have proved the worth of their products by making goods of great quality and making them innovative. One of these leading brands is Samsung. It was the leading manufacturer of televisions in the year 2016. Today, the competition is stiff. Now every company has a very good product with even more reasonable prices.

Almost a decade ago, Samsung was also the leading manufacturer in OLEDs. It had as much as 40% of the total market share worldwide. Not so surprisingly, Samsung had 98% share of the global AMOLED market in 2010. Also, more than 25% of the total revenues generated owed to the OLED market. It has always been very innovative. But this was all about smartphones. They have also been performing well in the field of television.
The curved LEDs by Samsung have been quite a hit. It is so satisfactory for the customers to buy a Samsung TV. This satisfaction comes from a certainly; a certain of quality and performance. They know that Samsung TVs are and have been the best. They know that they need not worry about the product. The product will always be of great quality and the latest one you could get in the market. Also, unlike some brands which are meant only for the people of higher segment in terms of income, Samsung products are for common people too. That is why they are so popular!